General Information

Who can purchase from Green Thumb Nurseries? 

We sell plants to landscaping businesses, municipalities, nurseries and garden centres. Landscape architects, certified landscape designers and other professionals in the horticulture trades are also welcome to contact us for plant material.

If you are interested in our material but not one of the groups we've listed here please contact Green Thumb Garden Centre.

When are you open?

We are open Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm nearly year round. We close on statutory holidays, for about 2 weeks around the Christmas / New Years period (check in for exact dates) and if there is too much snow on the ground to access our fields.

Do you have a map of the nursery? 

Where do we deliver to?

Generally we deliver to Vancouver Island, the gulf islands, Vancouver, Whistler and the lower mainland with our own trucks.

There will be some exceptions due to limited access, difficult logistics or lack of order size. We can palletize orders (for a fee) to be picked up up by a shipping company arranged by the customer or drop orders at a location organized by the customer for combining with their other orders to be shipped further distances.

For delivery rates please contact us.

How do we deliver orders?

Our deliveries are done in our own 5 ton box trucks or our cube van. We combine orders where possible to reduce the shipping costs for our customers.

Depending on order sizes we will have some delivery trip with 1 large order or others with more than 10 different small deliveries. The drop order is usually determined by the quickest route to complete all the deliveries.

What are your terms & conditions?

See our full Sales Terms & Conditions.

Website Plant Information

Pot Size

  • Plug is a small plant commonly only for production or landscape projects. These often will not be on our availability list though if you need them for a project, please contact the office for more information.
  • 10cm, #1, #2, #3, etc. commonly up to #25 refers to the gallon size of the nursery pot.
  • #20s and any other pot sizes with addition "s" in the pot size refer to squat or short pots. There are much wider than they are tall.
  • B&B refers to balled and burlap plants, these are usually only available in the fall and winter as they are field grown plants.
  • WB is a plant with a root ball in a wire basket with burlap. These a usually exceptionally large plants that require equipment to move. As with B&B they are field dug and most often only available in fall and winter.


  •  0.0 m / 0.0 m / 0 cm -Refer to plant sizes. Height in meters / Width in meters / Caliper in centimeters.
  •  Pruned / Topiary / Pompom / Sculpted - Refers to the shape and form of the plant. Manually altering the shape away from its normal growth pattern.
  •  Standard / Top graft - Refers to a plant that has a clear stem before any growth. This can refer to a plant that looks like a lollipop or a shrubby plant like a Camellia being grown in a tree form with a clear trunk.
  •  Staked - Usually refers to a weeping plant such as a Pine having a staked leader to provide more height to the growth.


This area of information refers to the location on our property where you can find the material. GTN lets you know that it’s located on our nursery site and the second part of the location refers to where you can find it.

For example, GTN SH14 indicates that you can find it on the Green Thumb Nursery site in Shade House 14. Please stop in at the office when arriving at the nursery and we will provide you with a labelled map to explain further the locations and answer any questions.

*Please note any product with the location "Farm" will be located at our other production site, not accessible to the public, and will take time to organize to be brought to the nursery.

Company Information

Are you moving?

You may have heard some rumours about us moving or closing or leaving and we are here to clear that up for you.

We are a third generation nursery that is still owned and run by members of the founding family. We are busy planning an expansion and constantly working on ways to expand and grow the Nursery and Garden Centre and have no plans of moving anytime soon.

Are you hiring?

We accept resumes year round for Green Thumb Nurseries and keep them on file for up to 6 months. We are always looking for hard working team members. See more information and current job postings on our Careers page.

Still looking for answers?

If the answer you're looking for isn't in our FAQ, please send us a message and we'll get back to you.